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Can hypnotherapy improve my life?

Amanda Lonergan • Nov 16, 2021

You are more powerful than you every imagined. Be ready to explore.

Hypnotherapy has been around for many decades and was first introduced by the likes of Mesmer and Erikson...... Nowadays it's a well known term with very few swinging pendulums in sight. It's probably best known for it's achievements with supporting people when they want to stop smoking, but there are so many other things that hypnotherapy can assist us to manage in our day to day lives. We may be familiar with the word hypnotherapy, but are we familiar with what its purpose is? It got me thinking that there are probably many of you out there that are continually struggling with a number of issues that with a little dose of hypnotherapy could put you as right as rain after a few sessions if you're willing to be open to the possibilities. We could all do with a little self-care maintenance from time to time. So here's a summary of the self-healing powers of hypnotherapy.


Hypnotherapy cannot prevent anxiety provoking situations from arising in anyone's life but it can assist with managing the symptoms you may experience. Reframing anxious thoughts, employing coping methods, relaxation and calm, building your confidence and assist you in taking back your control are some of the ways hypnotherapy offers you a new perspective in how your world can become a little less scary.

Breaking Habits

Obviously we're not talking about your habit of eating an apple for breakfast every day. We're talking about the negative ones, the ones that are destructive to yourself, creating havoc in your life. The ones you know you really ought to do without!

Fears and Phobias

Whether it's a fear of the dentist, needles, heights, water, animals, birds or perhaps of something that makes no sense to you at all, hypnotherapy can explore ways for you to reduce or eliminate the fear and prevent it interfering with your enjoyment of life.

Grief and Loss

Sadly we are all too familiar with having to encounter the immense grief experienced from the death of a loved one at some point in our lives, but there are also many other situations and losses in life that cause us grief which are not always openly acknowledged or appreciated in the same way. Many life changes involve a degree of loss on various levels, this may be the loss of a job, home or marriage, a child growing up and leaving the family unit, a parent becoming dependant on their child or a loss of a previous lifestyle due to health or financial issues. Many of these losses can often become overwhelming and feel unmanageable. Hypnotherapy can provide insight into understanding and getting a hold of your feelings, discovering your own strength to work through the pain and find the light at the end of the tunnel.

Health Issues

If you have had a diagnosis from your doctor for IBS, chronic fatigue, type 2 diabetes or tinnitus and it's been an ongoing issue for you for years, as part of your overall health care plan, hypnotherapy can assist you in managing some of the symptoms you're experiencing.


You may have writer's, designer's or painter's block, or perhaps find yourself lacking the inspiration required for setting up a new business. By tapping into the knowledge, the memories and the skills stored within your subconscious mind you can give your creativity the extra boost it needs.

Pain Relief

Hypnotherapy considers ways of managing persistent chronic pain of fibromyalgia, arthritis, migraine and headaches. Always make sure you have consulted your doctor for a diagnosis, advice and any recommendations for your ongoing physical health before considering hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy acknowledges that the pain you are experiencing is very real. The pain is not something you have made up but if you're willing to explore the connection between your mind and body and the different ways that pain can manifest, hypnotherapy can be extremely beneficial in managing any pain experienced as part of your overall health care plan.

Self-Esteem and Confidence

Hypnotherapy concentrates on you. Finding your confidence and self-worth from within, without having to rely on others to boost your ego and keep you afloat. Most of us feel unsure about one or more of our abilities or characteristics at certain times in our lives, perhaps we have moments when we lack conviction in ourselves and what we can achieve or it may even be an ongoing persistent pattern of doubt that keeps arising. Hypnotherapy helps you to better appreciate and understand yourself by exploring who you are, what drives you and what is most important to you to build a confident approach that will benefit many aspects of your life. It may be that you need help overcoming exam or driving test nerves or just want to feel better about yourself and feel confident in your own skin. Seeing yourself from a different perspective can open up new possibilities and what you previously thought was unachievable could become your success.

Sleep Difficulties

Do you frequently have difficulty falling or staying asleep? Are repetitive thoughts constantly swirling around in your head, preventing you from a restful nights sleep or perhaps you are feeling too tense to stay still long enough to settle? Hypnotherapy teaches the art of total relaxation, the benefits of which are often underestimated. Allowing ourselves to take a break, relax or to even do nothing for a while is often frowned upon and considered lazy in our demanding and fast paced world now. More pauses, better rest and better sleep means greater focus and concentration, a boost for positive emotions and an overall healthier body.

Sports Performance

If you're training to compete for a marathon, are committed to a competitive sport or just want to find the motivation to exercise again, hypnotherapy can sharpen your focus and open your mind to your full potential, maintaining dedication and keeping you on track for success, even when you want to give up.


Learn life skills with hypnotherapy by finding new ways to deal with overload, overwhelm, conflict and constant demands through relaxation, visualisation, uncovering your core values, maintaining your boundaries and building the resilience and confidence to manage whatever stresses life throws at you.

Weight Loss

Losing weight is a process and if it's going to be a lasting change it requires your mind and body to be on the same page as one another. Our hypnotherapy sessions look to identifying a realistic weight loss plan, what your goals are, what has prevented you from achieving them in the past, how to stick to them and most importantly to love who you are, every step of the way.

Find out more and how hypnotherapy could benefit you at

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It might not be easy. But what an incredible view when you get there.
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You probably already know the detrimental effects of long term smoking, you've had the health issues drummed into you time and time again. Perhaps you've reached the point when smoking is no longer serving the same purpose it used to for you, in fact it's becoming a nuisance and you're determined to stop and break free from being tied to the monotonous cravings every day. Yet despite all your best intentions, the good advice and rational thinking, you still continue to smoke. So why can't you just stop? If only it were that simple. Rationalising never works when emotions are at play and if it were that simple you wouldn't be addicted in the first place. Blame it on the nicotine. Or more precisely, blame it on the feel-good chemicals that are produced by the receptors which are created by the nicotine. It's these that are addictive and keep us coming back for more.
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