Fears & Phobias

Fears & Phobias

"Out of your vulnerabilities will come your strength"  Sigmund Freud.

Are your fears holding you back?

Most of us come across at least one fear or phobia during our life. It might be a fear of heights, needles, dentists, snakes, birds, spiders, darkness, enclosed spaces, crowds, water, boats or perhaps flying for example. In fact any person, place, object or event can be perceived as a danger and at times the absence of any of these can induce fear. Sometimes we know why we have this fear and other times it just seems totally irrational, yet we know only too well that the level of distress we feel is very real.

How can hypnotherapy support me?

Fear is a natural human reaction to alert us to danger. It's essential for our survival. Knowing not to walk too close to a 100 foot cliff edge is a useful fear to prevent us putting ourselves in unnecessary danger but what if our fear is useless or even harming us in some way? If your fear is affecting your relationships, frequently causing you physical symptoms, making your life difficult or taking up a lot of time in your head , free yourself with hypnotherapy and take charge of your fear.

What will I learn?

  • Fear leads to growth
  • How to ease out of your comfort zone
  • How to confront your fear
  • Sever your emotional ties to the fear
  • How to take control of your fear

What can I achieve?

  • Unlock the cause
  • Discover your courage
  • Increase your confidence
  • Reduce your anxiety
  • Find enjoyment out of things previously avoided


Are you afraid of needles and nervous about the injection?

Do you keep making excuses and putting off going for your Covid jab because you don't like needles?

Try hypnotherapy

Reduce your fear and go for your jab feeling calm and confident.
Book a session
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